Professional sports: cross-country skiing

SnowBOX creates the perfect track

Snow-Industries uses high-performance snowmaking systems to prepare cross-country ski tracks that meet the highest standards for professional competitions – for high-performance, amateur levels and popular

Continuously best snow conditions – guaranteed.
Snow-Industries uses high-performance snowmaking systems to prepare cross-country ski tracks that meet the highest standards for professional competitions – for high-performance, amateur levels and popular sports.

With us, you are
always number 1

Best conditions at
the Odlo Fast Forward, ISPO Munich

Best conditions at the Odlo Fast Forward, ISPO Munich

Our cross-country tracks are exactly as they should be: outstanding snow consistency with perfect tracking characteristics

In top form

Our cross-country tracks are
exactly as they should be:
outstanding snow consistency
with perfect tracking characteristics

Recommended snow systems for use – Click for more

SnowGUn technology
SnowBOX technology

Snow-Industries-International Germany

c/o SnowBOX GmbH

Annabergstraße 65-67

D-45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr

Phone: +49 208 438 500

Fax: +49 208 438 800

Member of HTSF-Forum

Hydrothermal SPA Forum

Click for more

Made in the Alps - Snow-Industries

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